OMAR 6,5 – Beffato dal terreno sul gol del 2 a 2 ma prima e dopo sfodera almeno 4 o 5 grandiosi interventi.
CINGHIO 6 – Tiene a bada non senza difficoltà la loro punta e si sgancia in avanti procurando il gol del 2 a 1. Stranamente troppo nervoso e chiacchierone contro arbitro, compagni e avversari.
PAOLO 5 – Good first time seasoned with good suggestions for Degio. Drops dramatically at a distance. Mistake on their goal of 4 to 3, doubling the man Marco leaving undisturbed free kick on goal their captain.
PAIN 6 - Solita race sometimes confusing but profitable.
GIULIO 5 - listless and ineffectual especially its second half. It is naive to expel from the bench five minutes from time.
POL 6.5 - not supported by a great physical condition. The first time always creates the numerical superiority and raises so many fouls. In the second half makes it much less but is the only one that turns on the light.
BERNA 5 - Big step back from the good performance against Olcella probably also due to knee dancer. Very inaccurate in support.
CRAZY 5.5 - Try to give a hand forward to Degio and Pol but carries the ball too much and tries too hard conclusions. However, co-star of the goal of 3 to 3.
DEGIO 6.5 - Provides support and always sides with mates and even takes a resounding pole in the first half.
CAMPA sv - Enter the last 5 minutes trying to invent something and failing.
MISTER IGGIU 4.5 - If the team is very vulnerable in this situation, it is also his fault then is just take the lowest grade.
TATE 6 - Nervous as ever, insults the "completely right" opponents after losing time to each lineout or from the bottom.
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