Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Recipe Creamy Italian Salad Dressing


OMAR 6 - Spectator not paying that merely ordinary. On-air missiles dropped on punishment opponent attacker can not do anything but stand by and watch

BELT 6 - More than a game its a battle. She finds herself to mark an opponent taller and bigger, which, for a quarter of an hour at least, it does damn. Then, in an elbow and another, once Preseglie measures, manages to contain it.

5.5 PAUL - In the first quarter of an hour can not turn on la luce e l’Aurora risulta, anche per colpa sua, lenta e impacciata. Non appena però riesce a prendere il ritmo la squadra sale di tono e mette alle corde gli avversari. Rientra a fine ripresa per tentare di dare un po’ d’ordine. Incostante.

GIULIO 5.5 – Non convince del tutto su quella fascia. Difende pochino e, in più, non riesce a lasciare il segno in attacco.

TIBI 6.5 – A volte s’intestardisce nell’azione personale, sbagliando. Nel momento peggiore è però tra i pochi a riuscire, con le sue iniziative e con i suoi tiri da lontano, a creare qualche grattacapo agli avversari. Ancora una volta entra nel tabellino dei marcatori.

POL 7 – Solito discorso: raramente rincorre il “suo” uomo e ancor meno frequentemente è un fattore nella nostra metà campo. Davanti, però, è davvero imprendibile. Segna due reti, ne sfiora altrettante, firma un assist e mezzo... non gli si può chiedere di più.

DEGIO 6 – Si procura e realizza il rigore dell’1-2. E già questo gli vale la sufficienza. Per il resto soffre, e anche parecchio, la marcatura “fisica” di un avversario grintoso. Nel finale si mangia un gol enorme.

BERNA 6 – Chiamato in causa, si piazza sulla destra, pensando più a controllare outside a rival who groped some sort offensive. Makes its contribution.

CAMPA sv - Andrea Mrsic entertains with an interesting discussion on the female.

SPIN sv - Take advantage of the beautiful day to get some 'sunshine.

ROBI 5 - rating addresses only the navigator of his car. Unreliable.

CRAZY 7 - For the phrase "Yes, but I know where is the" delivered while wandering lost, probably in search of little women, on the bridge dam of Somma Lombardo.

MISTER IGGIU 6 - If we suffer, especially at the beginning, it's not his fault. If you win, ultimately, a bit 'is certainly well on his own.

SATAN 7 - more inspired than the game against the Robur. Gives it her best shot in half when, for a full minute lost in talking with Tato, forget having to make the linesman.

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aurora Castiglione but inconsistent, however, compact, managed to conquer the difficult field of Maddalena, hitting his third win in four away branded 2011 and by another small step toward salvation.

Contro un avversario molto “fisico” gil All Blacks di Castiglione hanno sofferto all’inverosimile. Partiti con il freno a mano tirato, probabilmente condizionati da un campo davvero pesante e da un atteggiamento non certo irreprensibile, i ragazzi di mister Iggiu si sono trovati rapidamente sotto di due reti. La prima causata da una mezza dormita in area, davanti a Omar, la seconda figlia di un calcio di punizione-bomba spedito nel sette dall’enorme punta avversaria. Questa squadra però è only a distant relative of the frightened, disorganized and loose at the end of 2010, the team at the first difficulty that melted like snow in the sun. After a providential time-out, useful to rearrange the ideas, Julius and his companions are in fact returned to the field with a different spirit, and also helped by falling rivals within a few minutes came back in line. Merit Degio, as good as cunning in securing and realize the severity of 1-2 and Pol Tibi and able, with conclusions from "outside" to highlight the uncertainties of the goalkeeper and Somma to overturn the result. Straightened the meeting, when it seemed as fact, the Aurora is able yet to complicate his life and slows down the pace and relying mostly on individual efforts, allowed the return of combative gialloblù to believe in the success (or at least in the same). The sum has not been done praying, having realized that their tactics (long ball and ride), was beginning to give the desired effect has increased the number of forces, pushing in search of some good points. And the efforts of hosts were rewarded in mid-shooting. Also on a free kick from the edge and always from the foot of 13 is in fact arrived equalizer. The confusion, then, became mistress of the match: Teams are indeed elongated and emotions, very few long, have suddenly become numerous. The possibilities to go still have multiplied, leaving disappointed both local sull'ennesimo kick stopped by the cross of their ram and a few too many errors in the last few feet, that the guests an unusual mocked inaccuracies Degio (a network failure seemed already) and often proven to be too slow in finalizing the break. In a few minutes from the ninetieth (I ask forgiveness from the sixtieth), when that also was becoming more than a hypothesis, here, on a quick reversal in front, Pol found the right flash, closing accounts after mocked gialloblù goalkeeper with a strong conclusion at the near post. Punto and new paragraphs.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prevalence Of Candida Glabrata In Pregnancy


Choir Castiglionese organizes Saturday, March 5 at the hall "MANHATTAN CLUB" Benito Carpineta to the Carnival feast.
During the evening there will be a raffle with a prize of 500 Euro and many other prizes.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How Does Tay-sachs Affect Someone's Life


OMAR 6.5 - now prodigious, then virtually inactive. Enjoying the spring afternoon ...

BELT 6.5 - Perfect. Sure, he was not marking Ibrahimovic, but can not remember a conclusion of "her" attacker.

TIBI 7 - Deployed in range of offending that is more concerned to defend. And does it well: gift ideas, bakes assists, scores a few goals ...

GIULIO 7.5 - motivated heating. Airhead in the first thirty seconds of the race (a time her man goes in goal). Then he gets to work, marking the advantage and earns applause with some nice spin. It is still not at the levels of earlier this year but, of course, is a totally different player than the one seen in the last weeks of 2010. Deserves 6.5. The excess is due to him for the dive pike at the mock accident and the colorful speech on the bench with sig.Meda.

PAUL 6 - He, too, a significant improvement over the end of last year. Sgobba front of the defense and often fails to kick-start the action. Still needs to improve but even so it can move the balance.

POL 7 - If I'll wait che “copra” costantemente allora rimarrete delusi. Per il resto non avrete di che lamentarvi. Nella metà campo avversaria risulta quasi sempre imprendibile, saltando l’uomo, attaccando gli spazi, andando alla conclusione. Firma la solita doppietta. Tanto per gradire.

DEGIO 6.5 – Sciorina il solito campionario di sponde. Poi, a fine primo tempo, decide che è ora d’andare in gol e lo fa battendo in velocità (?!) il suo marcatore. Sostituito non se la prende. Giornata da ricordare.

ULI 6.5 – A volte confusionario, spesso precipitoso. Sta di fatto che comunque, qualsiasi sia, il lavoro che gli si chiede di fare lo plays just fine. Jolly valuable.

DAVID 6 - Part of the bench, entering the field after the injury of Julius, by which time the race has already channeled on track. Quiet day, which may fail to show up too bad.

ROBY 6 - Play the most difficult part of the meeting, one in which, skipped the balance and let down the reasons, the Aurora is less effective. He tries to assert itself, however, giving the usual raids on the group and trying to conclusion.

Field 7 - Two goals scored, so many failed for lack of skill or skill of the goalkeeper. E much more substance opponents chased, contrasts losers, dribbling attempted and successful. Found.

SPIN estimation 5 - Good player ... in the 2002-2003 season. It takes at least a quarter of an hour trying to figure to be in the field. It gives the opponents a goal and pulls out at least two, three "no-action thrill. The boy has to work a lot ...

MISTER IGGIU 6.5 - Easy victory and large turnover. The adversary is not impossible, however, the field has given him reason. Bravo.

MIRKO 4 - No beer. No pearl of wisdom. Never above the lines. Unrecognizable.