OMAR 6.5 - Draw two or three fine speeches, blunting the ambitions of their opponents. And it's a spectator. For a long time.
BELT stretched 6 - From the 16th minute forward is almost perfect, showing off the usual string of advances and interventions by the book. The first fifteen minutes? Forget ...
TIBI 6 - Still does not make a difference. There, in front of the defense, you still hear a lot. And then he up and head to restart the game. Return heavy, very important piece in the puzzle of salvation.
DAVID 6 - It is the c. .. on the strip, chasing opponents sparkling and, at times, trying to support the strike action. Good effort, but is soon out of breath and, therefore, ends up being very polished.
GIULIO 6 - The end unwatchable performance of the first round are just a faded memory. A Golant, in fact, we have seen! Of course, it was impregnable but at least he gave his contribution with some enlightening and throwing with his usual attention to tactics. It can and must do more, but getting it back, calm and reasoned will give an extra boost to the team.
POL 7 - Toggle good points to take long breaks. When not in stand-by, however, is impregnable by signing two goals (the first) and create at least as many occasions. Elf.
DEGIO 5 generous - of his only remember the afternoon coffee paid with Gigi Cozza's sketch, and anger, unwarranted and inappropriate, for replacement.
CAMPA 5.5 - Play for twenty minutes. The one where the team is the longest and most difficult for opposing the initiative. His fault or just bad luck? Is unknown. The fact is that, while slamming, leaves no sign outside the door rival.
7.5 ULI - Called at the last minute to make up for the lack of crazy, not only shall bear in the long lonely journey, but also invents the match. Summoned to the race started, we discover anew cursor dangerous end, as well as solid defender. Almost perfect performance, topped with a goal and an assist. Here the role in which it can make a difference.
PAUL sv - Play the last piece of race when your opponents are already on the legs. No time to make your mark.
ROBY sv - sickly, takes a lot of the edge of the cold bench.
SPIN sv - The referee ends the match with a few seconds to spare and he, who already was preparing, he can not set foot on the field. Damn suit that made him lose time ...
MISTER IGGIU 6.5 - some merit, if the team has run back and he hit the second, most important, victory in a row, he has too. Makes his choices, which, shared or not, it worked well. You can enjoy a few days of glory. Most patient ...
SATAN 8.5 - It comes in a "uniform" and work with a bag pieno di birre. C’è da aggiungere altro?
Menzione speciale:
CSI VARESE 3 – Due le gare in programma sul campo di Golasecca. Modificato l’orario di entrambe, da Varese nessuno si è sognato di avvisare le società ospiti...