Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reupholstering Studded Chairs

Natale Castiglionese

There was very pleased the statement that ASCOM addressed to our Association, proposing this idea and somehow, he recognized that our work and our organizational machine, works by over thirty 'years.
We have joined this initiative with enthusiasm even aware that a commitment of 17 consecutive day is not a joke, we did it because we believe in all the proposals "series" that seek to highlight our country.
To let you in even more in the magical atmosphere of Christmas, in some special occasions in our "cottage", will sing several songs of Christmas Classics and we would be delighted if you would COME SING WITH U.S..

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hotestboops In Modesl


GEGE '5 - and less safe than usual colpevolissimo the fourth goal. But let's not forget it's there in the door as a favor to all and that in the past has saved more than one race ....
BELT 5.5 - The least worst among the owners. Gives way to nervousness, wrong. ULYSSES
5 - From the second defensive, when set, too hard. Does best in beams, low and even more recently man, a pure scorer. ROBY
4.5 - Donate to the opponents goal and the punishment of the first cheerful marking the cut at the 8 ...... 2-0
GIULIO 4 - How the Olcellese but no assists. PAUL
4 - Interesting chats in the middle of the field.

CAMPA 6.5 - Has the consciousness a few gollonzi wrong. But also a lot of runs and makes the mark, and also manages to unlock sgom. The best player on the field.
MAD 6 - very far from the best physical condition, however, shows that with a minimum of tactical intelligence, you can still do well. Used in a band, and it covers the conclusion.
TURN 6 - Fa wood in the middle of the field. In silence!

MISTER IGGIU 6.5 - a saint, but with their hands tied. Any coach would change the whole team after ten minutes. He is a little more patience, maybe wrong and surely slowed down from the bench short. TATE

6 - if he, too, usually calm, he loses patience .....

Special Mention:
Note on (obviously sarcastic) for all those who replaced the guys to go take a shower before the final whistle.
After the change is on the bench. Always.

What Flu Is Going Around In Phoenix


Some of the seven owners had probably wanted to play. I do not see why I should I have to comment on the game.

With the four reserves, bearing in mind that after 3 to 0 for the tenth minute Audax has practically ceased to play, things went better. It has been quiet. It is ongoing. He tried to help each other. It is avoided making figures of shit !!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

South Park Streaming In English Language!


Campo pesantissimo, pioggia fastidiosa e pubblico avverso (ma non eravamo in casa?) non bastano a stoppare la voglia di riscatto dell’Aurora Castiglione, la quale, dopo la scoppola rimediata contro la Polisportiva Sanmacarese, è capace di raccogliere un buon 3-3 con la lanciatissima Olcellese. Privi di molti elementi di classe (Pol, Lore e Manuel) i gialloblù riescono comunque, puntando su carattere e determinazione, a stoppare la corsa della capolista, costringendola a un doloroso pari. La gara comincia benissimo per i nostri eroi, presto in vantaggio grazie a un bel diagonale dell’incredulo Robi Pain. As so often happened in this part of the league, goals scored, however, is tantamount to a network built. Yes, because the troops of Mr. Frigeri hardly able to keep an advantage for more than a handful of minutes. So here then, on time, also the point of biancazzurri rating: Robi lightness of out right height, escape along the bottom line opponent of the attacker, shooting, post, goalie, rebound, profanity and goals. Fortunato, of course, but also very heavy. The balance, however, takes very little. Still doll on the network built local defense you be caught on a placement center. The ball wanders in the middle area, there a small melee and resolves all Cinghio extending the tip rival. Penalty sacrosanct and other network. Here, however, when the crush seems to create serious problems when another boat here becomes likely that Aurora brings out the claws and starts scratching. The Olcellese is surprised and shaken. Our goal touch with the ill-fated Camp, the only one who can not score despite hitting the post and then go inside, after taking up the game ball, a gust of range: Launch of Millimeter Giulio defender chicken Head of Degio and 2-2. In the second half the field becomes even less feasible. The Aurora slams, focusing on the acceleration of a good Berne, but rarely can be dangerous parts of the goalkeeper. Even Olcellese, while trying to break through, is hard. But when time passes, the 2-2 seems the most likely outcome, the contention here that gets fired. Before the guests biancazzurri touching the network twice, once with a bell'inserimento their central midfielder (belts save a platter), the second after he broke through on the right (Omar Bravo), then risk a lot for a great distance from the end of Paul ( nice to the intervention of their goalkeeper). A pass back are gialloblù. How? Replicating the second network: service Giulio, more chicken and defender Degio, upper, signing his day of glory. But since the rule del gol fatto e poi subito incassato vale anche nella ripresa ecco che l’Aurora si fa riprendere proprio in Zona Cesarini quando l’attaccante rivale, libero sul vertice sinistro dell’area, centra la porta con una bella conclusione incrociata. È il 3-3 finale. Il risultato più giusto.

Best Way To Clean Shoes


6.5 OMAR - takes pole on his goal and saved the penalty. For a while, 'it seems "just" normal. Then he pulls out a couple of super saves and reminds everyone to be a star for this level.

BELT 6.5 - Not the best, it sacrifices for the cause by signing the usual performance is all substance. Causes rigor, but also saves the port to secure a goal. Avercene defenders so ...

ULYSSES 6.5 - It is now clear: it can stay focused for 55 minutes at most. This time a good start, inattention and then comes the end. And on that Olcellese the draw. Compared to San Macario ago, however, a partiton, even touching a goal from mid field. Found.

ROBY 6 - Here we go ... marking the advantage with a nice conclusion of the distance. But then mistakes on defense, stopping waiting for a whistle (that will never come) and give it away, in fact, your peers, adversaries. Will sin of inexperience?

GIULIO 5.5 - Average mathematics performance between the vote to (4) and one for the assist, illuminating the Degio (7). Careful, precise and full heating. Still, empty shell in the field. Quarrel with those who do not know for the whole game ...

6 PAUL - In growth, though still far from the best condition. There in the middle, albeit with limited mobility, able to contribute and, in flashes, to bring to bear experience and class.

Field 6 - esteem. It is not man struggles of area but the ball between his feet, he knows more assertive, more so in the few minutes of play, however, has the opportunity to go in goal. It is certainly lucky pole internal ball out!

DEGIO 7.5 - Do not ask him to chase the ball. Did not do it thirty pounds ago, can not do it now. When it comes to do battle but you never back, giving the banks and important, above all, the two networks valuable. High jump: between off and landing Iggiu have time to call and enjoy a time-out.

BERNE 6.5 - Bella discovery. Log in to surprise band and can immediately make an impression. Cover and attack intelligently. Cala a bit 'too much in the final ma, insomma, non pretendiamo troppo. Avrà il tempo per lasciare il segno.

GIRA sv – Entra, si sporca e... finisce la partita.

GEGE’ sv – Guarda in piedi tutta la gara. Non per interesse però: è bloccato dal freddo.

LORE sv – Frenato da un infortunio è costretto a stare in panca in borghese. Che spreco.

MISTER IGGIU 6,5 – Si arrangia col materiale che ha a disposizione e lo fa al meglio.

Menzione speciale

TATO, LUCA e CARLO 8 – Per l’impegno profuso nella pulizia the field. Idoli.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Calories Mixed Vegetables Chow Mein


OMAR 7 – Come i gol presi. Di solito strepitoso, oggi “solo” molto positivo. Para un rigore e compie almeno tre, quattro interventi superlativi.

CINGHIO 4,5 – Difensore scivoloso, difensore pericoloso. Boskov e Mazzone docet.

ULISSE 4 – Male in fase di interdizione, peggio in fase di impostazione.

LORE s.v. – L’unico in grado di accendere la luce. Si ferma presto, frenato da un muscolo ballerino.

ROBI 4 – Carolina Kostner.

GIULIO 5.5 - makes her, signing his eighth goal of the season and so far turning out positive for the assist network Degio. Two defensive errors, and then 2-0 on the penalty foul, they foul up the trial.

DEGIO 6 - Fight alone, amid a swarm of enemies. He can score and it shows, when the team rooms "ball on the ground" to be able to give precious shores.

PAUL 5 - In your case the black is not streamlined.

CRAZY 5.5 - Some good starting point in the band. Sin has very little autonomy.

SPIN 5 - Fifteen minutes of extreme suffering.

Field 7 - Only a few minutes in a role not his. The vote is for the profile greek.

MISTER IGGIU 5 - He is wrong at 2-3 when, with some daring replacement, disrupts the structure of the team. The rose is, however, this can not work miracles for sure.

TATE 7.5 - For the self-control shown when the referee informed him of not being able to keep open the umbrella. Anyone else would send the race director to hunt.

Special Mention

locker rooms 3 - Simply the worst ever. Smaller, uncomfortable and ill-equipped even to those Olginasio (or was Casalzuigno?) Where, fifteen years ago, we were forced to wash in (but just inside, standing) sinks. But shit, at least what it cost to separate the showers from the transition area?